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Videonystagmoscopy in nystagmus detection

Videonystagmoscopy in nystagmus detection

VIDEONYSTAGMOSCOPY allows a detailed survey of nystagmus determining the best possible diagnostic accuracy.In this article we shall not dwell on describing the more renowned AUDIO TYMPANOMETRY test.
The FHIT (Functional Head Impulse Test) is a test of the vestibular function based on the ability to recognize the orientation of a Landolt C optotype, which appears briefly on a computer screen during passive head impulses imposed by the examiner over a range of accelerations of the head. The FHIT evaluates the functionality of the patient’s vestibular system, allowing to perform an accurate examination of each single semicircular canal, and so to investigate the patient’s entire ability to stabilize the gaze. The FHIT is in turn connected to the rehabilitation system referred to as V GYM.

The VHIT (Video Head Impulse Test) is a specific test inasmuch it detects oculo-vestibular reflex disorders and identifies the affected side in peripheral vestibular loss. Patients with vestibular loss have a corrective saccadic eye movement (a “shooting” saccade) during or after the head impulse, furthermore the head gain with respect to the eye is not equivalent. This test is a tool that provides quick and accurate information about the oculo-vestibular reflex to stimuli in the high frequency range.
STABILOMETRY is a test that allows the evaluation and measurement of equilibrium by means of a computerized platform. It allows the evaluation of a subject’s posture by assessing the distribution of vertical forces on the support surface and measuring the stability of the subject through the evaluation of the VESTIBULOSPINAL REFLEX (VSR). On the stabilometric platform it is possible to investigate a variety of parameters, starting from the basic ones:


STATIC STABILOMETRY studies the postural oscillations in an upright position to evaluate the stability of the subject in the absence of external perturbative stimuli. These are present in DYNAMIC STABILOMETRY where they allow to evaluate the contribution made by visual, vestibular, and somatosensory channels to the recovery of the initial posture.
STABILOMETRY has significant value not only in diagnosis but also in rehabilitation.
The association between non-instrumental vestibular rehabilitation and instrumental vestibular rehabilitation through VGym and stabilometric rehabilitation at our Vestibology Medical repeatedly provides programmes and excellent results in the recovery of vestibular disorders. Our experience is not limited exclusively to patient application. It has led us to develop updates, protocols and scientific studies that are testifying the validity of the treatments which go beyond the vestibular area. In fact, validation is underway with regards to neurodegenerative diseases and conditions through scientific articles that testify the therapeutic validity.
Specific benefits seem to emerge for vestibular disorders due to Multiple Sclerosis, a field which is finding great application at Vestibology Medical.
For this purpose, scientific articles are herewith linked that support the validity of said treatments.

Zeigelboim B, et al. Int Tinnitus J. 2010. PMID: 21609916
Is customized vestibular rehabilitation effective in patients with multiple sclerosis? A randomized controlled trial.
Ozgen G, et al. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2016. PMID: 27050082 Clinical Trial.

Vestibular rehabilitation has positive effects on balance, fatigue and activities of daily living in highly disabled multiple sclerosis people: A preliminary randomized controlled trial.
Tramontano M, Martino Cinnera A, Manzari L, Tozzi FF, Caltagirone C, Morone G, Pompa A, Grasso MG.Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2018;36(6):709-718. doi: 10.3233/RNN-180850.

Vestibular rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis comparing customised with booklet based vestibular rehabilitation for vestibulopathy and a 12 month observational cohort study of the symptom reduction and recurrence rate following treatment for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
Marsden J, Pavlou M, Dennett R, Gibbon A, Knight-Lozano R, Jeu L, Flavell C, Freeman J, Bamiou DE, Harris C, Hawton A, Goodwin E, Jones B, Creanor S.BMC Neurol. 2020 Nov 27;20(1):430. doi: 10.1186/s12883-020-01983-y.